How Comfortable Are You?
As you evolve into the amazing coach you know you want to be what might you be holding on to that is keeping you stuck?
There have many things for me over the years…..
- a lack of confidence in stepping up – who am I to be doing this?
- a fear of getting it wrong, of being a failure, of looking stupid
- having naysayers around me who didn’t want me to be more successful than them
- limiting beliefs about my own ability
- the perfectionist in me that was scared of not being good enough
- thinking I had to work it all out by myself and do it all alone
Most of that stemmed from me wanting to stay in my comfort zone where it was safe and comfortable!
Why would you not?
But deep down I was not fulfilled in what I was doing, I wanted to look forward to work every day, rather than dread it, and I wanted to be making a bigger difference.
Then I came across this quotation……
“All true growth takes place at the edge of your comfort zone.
If you stay in your comfort zone then today is the most you will ever be”
and that really hit home for me.
Was this it? Were things never going to get any better? Was I stuck where I was?
That was so depressing for me and there and then I decided to do something about it.
I found an amazing Coach and Mentor to work with, who took me to the edge of my comfort zone.
She helped me to get rid of the limiting beliefs and quieten down my perfectionist and get rid of the fears about not being good enough and a whole pile of other things that developed my coaching significantly.
And everything changed.
So if you want more, to be more, then what could you do today to take that first step?
Maybe it’s to find a Coach or Coach Mentor who will challenge and support you like mine did.
Because the great thing is that when your comfort zone is stretched it never goes back.
How brilliant is that?
If you want to find out more about how Coach Mentoring can help you develop as a coach then let’s have a chat!
Click here to book a call.
Until next time,
with best wiahes for your success,