How To De-stress with The Green Cross Code

Now I know that you’re probably feeling a bit chilled out at the moment because you’re still on holiday or maybe you are reading this when you are back at work after the Easter break.
Either way I want you to forget all about work.
Right now.
Put it out of your mind completely.
What is your immediate reaction to that?
Do you find it difficult to do?
You’re probably saying it depends on the time of year but should it?
Some of the responses to that question that I get from my coaching clients are :
“ I’d love to, but I can’t!”
“ That’s all very well but I have too much to do…”
“ Easier said than done….”
“ How can I do that? It’s unrealistic”
“ I can’t do that during term time. That’s what holidays are for…”
and maybe you can relate to these.
Now in your business you probably feel a certain sense of responsibility for those you lead and manage and care for their wellbeing, seeing your role as helping them to move forward, yes?
But how can you be effective in caring for others if you don’t take care of yourself?
So if you do forget about work for the moment (we’ll get back to it later)……
How do you take care of you?
Do you treat yourself in the way you would like others to treat you?
When I began working with my own coach several years ago now I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. She helped me to realise that I was taking better care of my clients and staff than I was of myself.
I felt I didn’t have the time to lavish on myself because it was an indulgence that I couldn’t afford but I had allowed my life to get out of balance.
So at her suggestion I began to take a minute for myself several times a day to de-stress and stop, look, listen and think.
It is about becoming aware of what you are doing so that you can choose to see a better way because in one minute you can change your attitude and in that minute you can change your whole day.
So can you afford to spare a minute to take better care of yourself?
What will it continue to cost you if you don’t?
In the next week whenever you begin to feel stressed out apply The Green Cross Code:
STOP : what you are doing for 1 minute
LOOK : at what you are doing or thinking and ask yourself “ Is there a better way right now for me to take good care of me?”
LISTEN : for the answer inside because you know what is best for you
THINK: of the action you are going to take and then DO IT RIGHT THEN and THERE
because you see the world differently when you take better care of yourself.
Until next time,
With best wishes for your success,
Cath Daley Ltd.