12 Reasons Your Presentation Sucks!

Did you know that most business presentations fail?
In terms of persuading people to do business with you it’s common to have a success rate of only 25% which is a failure rate of 75% and in some instances it’s even higher.
If this has happened to you then it’s usually for very good reasons – your presentation sucks!
Here are 12 reasons why your presentation sucks:
- You’re convinced that a lousy presentation is brilliant
- You don’t understand the audience
- You let your nerves get the better of you
- You don’t know how to connect and engage with the audience
- You don’t adapt the presentation to the specific audience but use a generic one instead
- You give off mixed messages- you say one thing but your body language unconsciously conveys something different
- You only think about what you are saying and not about how you are saying it
- You ignore (or are ignorant of) the need to address different processing preferences when presenting
- You follow some prescribed way of delivering a presentation that has nothing to do with effective communication but is just the accepted way of doing it
- You think it’s only about giving information
- You think confidence is enough to get you through
- You don’t practice.
But this is actually good news.
Simple – it opens up huge opportunities. Because so many presentations suck it’s really easy to be better than the rest!
Since most presenters/speakers/bid teams don’t learn from their successes and failures (let alone those of their predecessors) anyone who is willing and eager to learn the secrets of successful and effective communication can enjoy a huge advantage.
Imagine what a difference it would make to your business if your business presentation success rate was 100%? and that’s entirely possible when you become adept at using the appropriate tools and techniques.
When you become a persuasive and compelling communicator you set yourself way above your competition with the result that you hugely increase your conversion rate and give presentations that people will rave about.
And everyone can learn to do it – if you want to.
You can start right now by downloading the free 7 Part Winning Presentations Mini-Course and get the free cutting edge Presentation Tip of the Week straight to your inbox.
Just click on the download button at the top right of this page or click here now.
Until next time,
With best wishes for your success,
Cath Daley Ltd.