“How Do We Get More Women in the Boardroom?”- a discussion with women who have beaten the trend

This free fringe event was part of ACCELERATE 2013.
With over 30 women leaders, from a variety of sectors, in the room the event was a great success with lots of thought provoking discussion.
Some of the ideas are summarised below…
whether or not quotas are the answer? no overall conclusion…..pluses and minuses for both sides
how do we bring about a change in present situation? – it’s down to a cultural shift that requires value based action rather than male/female emphasis
is it a question of confidence or attitudes?
there needs to be genuine leadership at government level if things are going to change long-term
We also discussed the lack of suitable role models for women business leaders which is reflected in the low number of women speakers at this year’s ACCELERATE 2013 main event- which provoked this fringe event in the first place!
The debate and discussion will go on for much longer and this event I hope has put it onto the local agenda.
The next step is how we follow up on this to maintain the interest and momentum generated today.
Watch this space!
Thank you to the panel for making it a successful and enjoyable event
Lesley Dixon, CEO of PSS
Maggie O’Carroll, CEO of The Women’s Organisation
Pamela Ball, CEO of Knowsley CVS
Maggie Mullan, Partner,Austin-Smith:Lord LLP
Judith Greensmith,Chair trust Board at Royal Liverpool University Hospitals
Carole Atkinson, Partner, Weightmans LLP
This event was Sponsored by