Are You Ready for Your Success?
How is your motivation right now? Maybe it has started to slip a bit or you just feel overwhelmed and can’t focus.
Maybe your energy levels have dipped and it can seem a natural reaction to start to focus again on what you have not done rather than what you did do.
With the constant reporting of impending doom and gloom in the media it is easy to get bogged down in the problems you are facing, either in your business or your personal life. This is enough to prevent some people from even attempting anything new.
But it is the ideal time to begin Your Success Diary with your Success Review.
What is your Success Diary ?
This is something that I have used for over 30 years and I taught all of my students to use when I was an Advanced Skills Teacher.
I encourage all of my coaching clients to use it as well.
Your Success Diary is simply that – a record of all of your successes.
And you kick start it with your Success Review – write a list of all (and I mean all) of the good things that you have accomplished in the last month.
They may be the sorts of things outlined in this adaptation of a poem published in 1905 by Bessie Stanley.
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
It may be as simple as having an “Action List” that you use each day and doing everything on it.
It can be spending time with someone who is lonely, or smiling at a shop assistant. It can be only having two coffees instead of the usual four.
This doesn’t exclude the big things too, but it’s often too easy to lose sight of the little things that make a big difference to you and to someone else.
When you are having a day when things seem to be out of kilter and the days are dark, you’ll be surprised how helpful it can be to focus on your successes.
To get started with your Success Review ….
- Buy yourself a really nice looking notebook that you will want to keep. Spend some time choosing it because this is going to contain all of your successes and so it needs to be really special.
- Set aside an hour or two when you won’t be disturbed.
- Begin by writing down all of the great things you have achieved in the last month. Include everything, no matter how big or how small.
- Decide what you will do to reward yourself for all that you have accomplished. This may be something big or something small. It doesn’t matter as long as it makes a difference to you.
- Enjoy your reward and celebrate your successes!
To continue with your Success Diary ….
- Make the commitment to yourself to spend just 10 mins each day to complete it.
- At the end of each working day write down three successes you have had that day – no more, no less. You may be tempted to list all of them but keep it to three every day.
- At the end of each week celebrate and reward yourself for all that you have accomplished.
When you make this commitment and take action to record and celebrate your ongoing successes you will be surprised at the effect and the positive mindset that will develop and your results will change accordingly.
With best wishes for your ongoing successes!
Cath Daley