How MasterChef Can Help Your Business Presentation

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It’s back on TV again. Britain’s Professional Master Chef is back for the latest series and even though it’s only been on for a few days it already has me gripped!
I love to see how the participants cope with the stress of the challenges they face and the effect of self-belief on the outcome. It’s fascinating to see how they present their food in a way that engages and entices and how some who are initially very confident fall by the wayside whilst others blossom and bloom as the contest goes on.
But what it consistently shows, and that we can all learn from is that
It doesn’t matter how good a cook you are if the recipe is no good
It doesn’t matter how good the recipe is if you don’t have the level of skill needed to produce an outstanding result.
Now an amazing chef has the skills to conjure up a great meal out of almost any ingredients but even then having the right recipe and high quality ingredients makes an exceptional result far more likely to be achieved, doesn’t it?
Where does the same thing apply in your business ? Well, almost everywhere!
If you have a product or service to market you’re going to need the right ingredients and the right recipe for your proposal and presentation if you are to engage the interest of your prospective clients. You can find out more about the essential ingredients here.
We need to blend
- the right benefits,
- the right price,
- the right incentive
to encourage your potential clients to action.
If you’re delivering a presentation you need to appeal to a variety of learning style preferences by having the right mix of facts, data and stories and to sprinkle in the right blend of different language patterns to connect and engage with all of your “audience”.
And you need to have the technical expertise to take it to a higher level to produce an outstanding result.
In fact…
The idea of recipes, ingredients and cooking expertise can be overlaid on almost any activity – true?
And so …
Here are some questions for you:
1. Do you have the right, high quality ingredients for your presentation mix?
2. Do you have the appropriate presentation recipe?
3. Do you have the high skill levels required to be able to deliver something exceptional every time?
because as in MasterChef where winning depends on your ability to deliver an exceptional dish every time, whether or not you win a contract can depend upon your ability to provide an exceptional presentation and when there’s not much to choose between contestants it can make all the difference between winning and losing.
So maybe it’s worth spending some thinking time on this?
Imagine how many more contracts you could win and what it would do for your business results if you were a MasterPresenter…….
Until next time,
with best wishes for your success,
Cath 🙂
Cath Daley Ltd.
p.s. if you want to start to become a Master Presenter today then sign up here for the free Winning Presentations Mini-course and get the cutting edge Presentation Tip of the Week straight to your inbox every Monday.