Why Making New Year’s Resolutions is a Waste of Your Time
A brand new year is here and the daylight hours are getting longer again.
As usual at this time of year thoughts turn to making New Year Resolutions.
Have you made any yet?
Because did you know that by the end of January only about 10% of people are succeeding at keeping their resolutions?
Most people struggle with them for a few weeks, make themselves miserable and then lapse back into old habits.
I know because I’ve done it and I’m sure you know someone who has as well.
So why do people make these resolutions and how can you do things differently so that you get what you want?
It is usually because there is some aspect of their business that they want to change for the better.
For many the resolution is not to do something, for example “I’m not going to get wound up again when X doesn’t turn up for the meeting,” or “ I’m not going to waste my time going to networking events that don’t get me any clients” but this means that instead of focusing on the great benefits that they will achieve, they focus on what they don’t want to do and they end up doing it!
And that’s why 90% of resolutions fail within 30 days of setting them.
Now you might be thinking “what has this got to do with developing my business ?”
But did you set any New Year’s Resolutions last year for your business?
How often do you decide that you are going to do things differently?
Or do you just hope that things somehow will be better this year?
And how can you make sure that you get the results you want to get?
The key lies in that word ‘resolution’. When we make these promises to ourselves, we should drop the ‘re’ bit of the word and concentrate on the ‘solution’. Instead of thinking about re-solutions, think about solutions. Be really clear about what it is that you want in your business.
Think about how your business will look, feel and sound when you have got it.
Instead of thinking about what you may be giving up, think about what you will gain.
And make sure that the change you are making is for the right reasons.
Are you doing it because it is going to make a real difference to your business or are you doing it because you think you should, or someone expects you to, or you want to impress others?
Because if it is going to succeed it has to be important to you and make a substantial difference to you and your business when you achieve it.
How to Get More of What You Want…
The initial step to getting more of what you want in your business easily is to decide specifically what it is that you do want and take the action challenge below.
The first step to making change happen is to write down what you want and give the ideas physical form.
If you don’t write down what you want it’s not a solution, it’s just a nice thought.
The Action Challenge:
My challenge to you is to take some time to answer the following questions and to write down your responses.
You may find it useful to keep them in a notebook.
Now I know that you’re probably going to say that you don’t have time to do it and that’s exactly why you need to!
If you are serious about increasing your level of success you need to start right now to do things differently.
- What is it that you most want to change?
- What do you want instead?
- What do you want specifically?
- How will you know you’ve got it?
- What will this outcome get for you or allow you to do?
- For what purpose do you want this?
- What difference will it make to you when you have achieved it?
Taking time to consider your answers to the questions means that you’re beginning to think in a new way and the more this happens the more you will change the results you are getting. When you then share with others you become more accountable for your results which means that you will take yourself and your business to the next level more quickly than before.
In the next post I’ll show you How To Get Less of What You Don’t Want so that 2015 is your best year yet!
Until then,
with best wishes for your success,
Cath Daley Ltd.
P.S. Do you want help to kick start your success in 2014?
I am offering the first 12 people to sign up the chance to have a Kick Start Your Success 1-2-1 Personal 2 hr. Coaching session with me at 75% off the usual cost (that’s just £ 87).
So if you are really serious about changing your results in 2014 and setting your goals in a way that is guaranteed to make them happen then click to take advantage of this very special offer now.