Cath’s Blog
Ideas, articles and resources
to increase your impact
as a woman leader and coach
April 16, 2020
In these times of uncertainty, fear and pain this is a beautiful reminder that things will get better… In Maori Papatuanuku, mother earth. In Māori […]
April 10, 2020
What has Easter simnel cake got to do with giving a great presentation?
Surprisingly there are a number of similiarities and here Cath outlines what they are so you can give a successful presentation every time....
January 6, 2020
Here are 9 things you can do to own your own brilliance and share it - to STEP UP and STAND OUT.
May 10, 2019
Are you up for a challenge?
This challenge is to make a decision whilst letting go of “getting it right”......
May 10, 2019
So why are the beginning and ending so important? What most people don’t realize is that when information is presented it is remembered in the BEM sequence. […]
May 10, 2019
According to a year-long study by the Centre for Talent Innovation, leadership potential is signalled through your gravitas, your communication skills and your appearance . . .
May 10, 2019
Imagine for a moment that I give you a box.bright box with lid
It measures 30cm x 20cm x 5cm.
It is brightly coloured and has a lid which at the moment is closed.
May 10, 2019
In the present financial climate, when all seems to be doom and gloom, it may seem inevitable to dwell on mistakes, failures and the negative aspects […]
May 10, 2019
Great speakers and presenters are liked by their audiences and being likeable doesn’t only help with presenting but will help you in your job, business, relationships, and life.
What makes great speakers so likeable and so successful? And how can we do it?
May 10, 2019
How would you like to achieve much more with much less time and effort? Sounds impossible?
Well that’s what many thousands of . . .