🎄The Christmas pressure is already starting to build…… 😩Are you feeling overwhelmed sitting looking at your to-do list and not knowing where to start? 😩It can […]
Fear, anxiety, frustration, uncertainty, anger, grief, even rage…….these are emotions that many of us are feeling right now. And it’s a perfectly normal response to what’s […]
A brand new year is almost here and the daylight hours are getting longer again.
As usual at this time of year thoughts turn to making New Year Resolutions.
Have you made any yet?
Because did you know that by the end of January only about 10% of people are succeeding at keeping their resolutions?
It’s Friday afternoon and the clock is ticking. You’re working furiously to complete a task before the five o’clock deadline, while silently cursing yourself for not […]
If you are in business you are repeatedly presenting yourselves and your business – whether that’s to a new contact, a prospect, your boss, a client, a procurement team . . . whatever the situation the impact you make is down to how effectively you communicate and . . .
What has Easter simnel cake got to do with giving a great presentation?
Surprisingly there are a number of similiarities and here Cath outlines what they are so you can give a successful presentation every time....
According to a year-long study by the Centre for Talent Innovation, leadership potential is signalled through your gravitas, your communication skills and your appearance . . .
Linguistic fillers usually have little, if any, meaning- they're like "Presentation Collagen" and they can wreck your credibility. Find out which ones you use and what you can do to avoid them.
What has Easter simnel cake got to do with giving a great presentation?
Surprisingly there are a number of similiarities and here Cath outlines what they are so you can give a successful presentation every time....
As a woman in business, are you taken seriously? Do you want to reach the highest level of success? Here are 4 ways to start your powerful and persuasive presence to achieve just that.
We know that our gestures and body language affect how others see us, but does it also change how we see ourselves? In this video you can see lots of examples of how your posture has a significant effect on your success.
In the final post in this series Cath outlines the practical ways you can use the scientific principles of persuasion in your presentation .
Part 6: Consensus
This interactive panel discussion with Women CEOs and Directors about the main challenges women face today was a great success and produced some very thought provoking ideas.....
In this series of blog posts Cath outlines the practical ways you can use the scientific principles of persuasion in your presentation .
Part 5: Liking
In this series of blog posts Cath outlines the practical ways you can use the scientific principles of persuasion in your presentation .
Part 4: Consistency & Commitment
Would you like to be more persuasive and influential when you speak?
Imagine what it would be like if you know that you can persuade and influence people to take the action you want them to take.
In this post Cath outlines the 6 principles you need to take into account if you want your presentation to persuade.