If you are in business you are repeatedly presenting yourselves and your business – whether that’s to a new contact, a prospect, your boss, a client, a procurement team . . . whatever the situation the impact you make is down to how effectively you communicate and . . .
What has Easter simnel cake got to do with giving a great presentation?
Surprisingly there are a number of similiarities and here Cath outlines what they are so you can give a successful presentation every time....
So why are the beginning and ending so important? What most people don’t realize is that when information is presented it is remembered in the BEM sequence. […]
According to a year-long study by the Centre for Talent Innovation, leadership potential is signalled through your gravitas, your communication skills and your appearance . . .
Imagine for a moment that I give you a box.bright box with lid
It measures 30cm x 20cm x 5cm.
It is brightly coloured and has a lid which at the moment is closed.
In the present financial climate, when all seems to be doom and gloom, it may seem inevitable to dwell on mistakes, failures and the negative aspects […]
Great speakers and presenters are liked by their audiences and being likeable doesn’t only help with presenting but will help you in your job, business, relationships, and life.
What makes great speakers so likeable and so successful? And how can we do it?
Sophie is an Entrepreneur, Author, Business Coach and Professional Speaker. She currently runs several businesses, is a coach to several ambitious business owners and has a growing marketing agency.
Sarah describes herself as accidental entrepreneur and serial academic who enjoys generating ideas, working with awesome people and making things happen – fast.
Linguistic fillers usually have little, if any, meaning- they're like "Presentation Collagen" and they can wreck your credibility. Find out which ones you use and what you can do to avoid them.
There are many ways that people mess up when presenting and most of the time they are not even aware of it but one of my pet hates is what I think of as the cardinal sin of presenting.
Presenting is all about what we do with our bodies and by changing the way you hold your body, you can change the level of confidence you feel.
You can try this by....
Are you guilty of using excuses to avoid improving your presenting skills? In this post, Cath points out the 12 worst excuses we use and how to tackle them.
As we were waiting for the funicular car to arrive, enjoying the fabulous view I was wondering why they were watering the track when suddenly I looked up and saw someone hurtling towards me out of the sky.......
In this series of blog posts Cath outlines the practical ways you can use the scientific principles of persuasion in your presentation .
Part 4: Consistency & Commitment
In this series of blog posts Cath outlines the practical ways you can use the scientific principles of persuasion in your presentation .
Part 2 : Scarcity
In this series of blog posts Cath outlines the practical ways you can use the scientific principles of persuasion in your presentation.
Part 1 : Reciprocity
Would you like to be more persuasive and influential when you speak?
Imagine what it would be like if you know that you can persuade and influence people to take the action you want them to take.
In this post Cath outlines the 6 principles you need to take into account if you want your presentation to persuade.
When you ask people what Abraham Lincoln is famous for it's usually two things - being assassinated and The Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address is considered to be . . .
Did you know that most business presentations fail? If this has happened to you then it’s usually for very good reasons – your presentation sucks!
..and here are 12 reasons why.
Did you know that how you stand can lose you clients? In this post Cath shows you how you can instantly appear more confident and have more authority by just changing the way you stand.
I know that change has been a constant factor in business in the last ten years because if what you’re doing isn’t working then you must do something you haven’t done before if you want to get different results . . . .
When you focus on what is really going to take you closer to your goals often the sense of overwhelm begins to disappear and effective time management becomes easier . . .
Now for many people Macs are like Marmite- you either love them or loathe them but they have four characteristics that can teach us something about an effective presentation...
We all love to hear stories and effective use of stories is a key tool for creating an outstanding and memorable presentation.
So what’s your business story . . .
It was always a challenge to persuade the Laurens of this world as to the benefits of studying physics! But what has this got to do with your business? . . .
Feelings ranging from nervousness to sheer terror are common for many people and it has been said that the fear of public speaking comes higher than the fear of death for a large proportion of the population but . . . .
They all have hugely inspirational stories that are an example to us all but unfortunately most of the speakers couldn’t tell them in a way that engages and inspires an audience.
In various business magazines, on websites and in the press you will often see references to “pitching” for business. You’ll see articles and book with titles […]
Derren Brown, love him or loathe him, has been engaging everyone lately with his latest series of progarmmes “The Experiments”. I personally love watching him because […]
The words do matter in a speech but the way they are delivered matters more in terms of how the speech is received and perceived.So how did David Cameron do?
" It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it - that's what gets results".
What we can learn from how Ed Milliband's delivered his speech to the Labour Party Conference.
In This One Day Workshop I’ll Show You How To Be Truly Confident, Comfortable and Relaxed Presenting Yourself and Your Business in Any Situation, So That You Really Make an Impact, Stand Out in Your Marketplace and Win More Business
Chances are that whatever your business at some stage you will be have to do some sort of business presentation and this happened to the wife of a friend of mine recently .....
If you regularly go business networking have you noticed an increase in the number of events and the number of people new to networking?
And I think many have been given this sort of advice.....
This was their opportunity to convey their business idea in such a way as to convince and persuade Lord Sugar to become their business partner and ......
Much research suggests that a relatively small proportion of the meaning of any communication is conveyed through the words that we say. But just how critical is the choice of words to use? and is it different for men and women?