May 30, 2013

ACCELERATE 2013 Fringe Event

As part of ACCELERATE 2013 Cath hosted a fringe event on 26th June entitled “How Do We Get More Women in the Boardroom?” – a discussion with women who have beaten the trend.With over 30 women leaders, from a variety of sectors, in the room the event was a great success with lots of thought provoking discussion......
March 20, 2013

The 6 Principles of a Persuasive and Influential Presentation

Would you like to be more persuasive and influential when you speak? Imagine what it would be like if you know that you can persuade and influence people to take the action you want them to take. In this post Cath outlines the 6 principles you need to take into account if you want your presentation to persuade.
November 14, 2012

Which Rank of Presentation Jedi are You?

Now whether or not you like Star Wars, the stories offer a number of ideas that we can apply in business and just one of them is the concept of the Jedi Academy. Members of the order progress through four tiers of rank, at times referred to as levels. I’ve taken these and applied them to the development of Presentation Skills for your business. So,with apologies to Star Wars fans, here is my version of the Presentation Jedi Academy.......
September 1, 2011

The Bid Presentation Interview-Why It’s Yours To Lose

How would you feel about losing a £26 million contract that you know you should have won? Or don't win a £7 million even though you know that you are by far the best company for the job? Sounds like a nightmare.... but these are just two instances I have come across in the last few weeks where
August 28, 2011

One Day Workshop : The Secrets of Painless Presenting

In This One Day Workshop I’ll Show You How To Be Truly Confident, Comfortable and Relaxed Presenting Yourself and Your Business in Any Situation, So That You Really Make an Impact, Stand Out in Your Marketplace and Win More Business
July 1, 2011

One-day Workshop: How to present yourself with the confidence to get the business results you want

In This One Day Workshop I’ll Show You How To Be Truly Confident, Comfortable and Relaxed Presenting Yourself and Your Business in Any Situation, So That You Really Make an Impact, Stand Out in Your Marketplace and Win More Business For more information about this course or to book your place click here